Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The search piles

I was gonna go in and share a picture with you of the "piles" from which we search to find pieces of torn down sets- Silas isn't that big on organization, no matter how we preach about it or how many hours we've spent separating out the parts...they always end up in a big pile. Anyway this is what I found- he'd spelled out lego in the piles- he is so his father's son (once Cody spelled out his name in the lawn while mowing- Roger wasn't too excited)

Some girly sets Cady got this year for Christmas....

Frosty, I guess this has been inspired by the crazy winter we've had...

the cars....comments please....

I want you to check out all the cups- we are in no shortage of legomen cups- and that man sporting the tank top in the back- Lord help's winter dude, get dressed~!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Scorponox has had a metamorphasis....

This little guy is in trouble...

and here's why...scorponox has morfed and become quite a threat

these are his teeth and check out those red tounge things on the sides

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Scorponox has landed be very afraid!

This is Scorponox, I created him today for a battle weapon that is used for galaxy warriors that help defend the planets (Tattouine for example) He is controlled by a robot professor. But he is only used in battle times when they are threatened to be taken over.

Silas says- this is a probe droid only used for spying on secret senators. At the top little droids come out when the probe droid dies.

Mom says- this is quite a clever piece- using some unique pieces from the collection, have we shown you the collection? the search pile? we haven't? oh we will soon....

Friday, February 5, 2010

New Lego Projects for around the house

a picture of our name in legos attached to a magnetic back on our fridge, thought it was cool

saw this idea online but it didn't have instructions, had to figure it out on my own

my favorite, from FAmily Fun magazine, they have 2 ideas a month listed to do build. Since Cady got a box of mixed color/size bricks for Christmas we are able to make most of the things...I love this!

and talk about fun gifts for the kids to make and give...

-written by lego mom