Thursday, October 23, 2008

more star wars

Charis finds a lego man....

new pics from cool creations

Friday, September 19, 2008

StarWars the clone army

My uncle nate is awesome. He used to play with legos too. He gave me some of his cool legos last week. I am still making lots of battleships and star wars things with them.

I got some of his but I want to build my own legos for myself.

I can't wait for Christmas. I want the ice berg set and the sand crawler.

My neighbor Mr. Larry let us borrow a cool star wars book , the ultimate visual guide. I has some really cool stuff in it.

I got to watch episode 6 on tv the other day.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Lego Stars Wars

I love lego star wars, they look really cool when I look at them, there are many kinds of space ships and shuttles. Darth Vadar is my favorite character.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

First blog

Lori here, I am writing this first blog but from here on out I will let silas do his own blogs, we are setting this up to show off his cool ability to create amazing things with legos. I have to admit legos are cool things, though a little pricey. So here some of the things he's created so far.